Value Functions Overview

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Delve into Value Functions in Power Query M Language, useful when performing operations on values. This page provides a comprehensive list and descriptions of Value Functions available in the M Language.

Delve into Value Functions in Power Query M Language, useful when performing operations on values. This page provides a comprehensive list and descriptions of Value Functions available in the M Language.

Evaluation and Conversion

Value.ExpressionReturns an abstract syntax tree (AST) that represents the value’s expression.
Value.FromTextCreates a strongly typed value from a textual representation.
Value.NativeQueryEvaluates a query against a target.
Value.OptimizeSignals Value.Expression to return the optimized expression for a value.

Type and Metadata

Value.AsReturns the value if it is compatible with the specified type.
Value.IsDetermines whether a value is compatible with the specified type.
Value.MetadataReturns a record containing the input’s metadata.
Value.RemoveMetadataStrips the input of metadata.
Value.ReplaceMetadataReplaces the input’s metadata information.
Value.ReplaceTypeReplaces the value’s type.

Value Comparison

Value.CompareReturns -1, 0, or 1 based on whether the first value is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
Value.EqualsReturns whether two values are equal.
Value.NullableEqualsReturns whether two values are equal.

Value Operations

Value.AddReturns the sum of the two values.
Value.DivideReturns the result of dividing the first value by the second.
Value.MultiplyReturns the product of the two values.
Value.SubtractReturns the difference of the two values.

Other Functions

Action.WithErrorContextThis function is intended for internal use only.
DirectQueryCapabilities.FromThis function is intended for internal use only.
Embedded.ValueAccesses a value by name in an embedded mashup.
Excel.ShapeTableThis function is intended for internal use only.
Graph.NodesThis function is intended for internal use only.
Module.VersionsReturns a record of module versions for the current module and its dependencies.
Progress.DataSourceProgressThis function is intended for internal use only.
SqlExpression.SchemaFromThis function is intended for internal use only.
SqlExpression.ToExpressionConverts the provided SQL query to M code
Value.AlternatesExpresses alternate query plans.
Value.FirewallThis function is intended for internal use only.
Value.LineageThis function is intended for internal use only.
Value.TraitsThis function is intended for internal use only.
Value.TypeReturns the type of the given value.
Value.VersionIdentityReturns the version identity of the value, or null if it doesn’t have a version.
Value.VersionsReturns a navigation table containing the available versions of value.
Value.ViewErrorThis function is intended for internal use only.
Value.ViewFunctionThis function is intended for internal use only.
Variable.ValueThis function is intended for internal use only.

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