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OpenApi.Document is a Power Query M function that returns a table of operations described by an Open API definition, with optional extended properties.

Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365


   definition as binary,
   optional options as nullable record,
) as any


Returns a table of operations from an Open API definition. An optional record parameter, options, may be provided to specify additional properties. The record can contain the following fields:

  • IncludeExtensions : A logical (true/false). Default is true. When true, vendor extensions are included as meta record fields on the appropriate value.
  • SecurityDefinition : A text value. Defaults to the first definition which matches the accepted credential type (basic, apiKey). When specified this value overrides the security definition to use for the service.
  • ManualStatusHandling : Specifying this value as a list will prevent any builtin handling for HTTP requests whose response has one of these status codes.
  • IncludeDeprecated : A logical (true/false). Defaults to false. When true, operations that are marked as deprecated are included in the navigation table.
  • IncludeMoreColumns : A logical (true/false). Defaults to false. When true, the ‘MoreColumns’ column is enabled.
  • Examples

    Here’s an example from Chris Webb:

    shared OAuth2.OpenAPIDemo = () =>
        OAuthCredential = Extension.CurrentCredential(), 
        OAuthToken = OAuthCredential[access_token], 
        SecurityHeaders = [Authorization = "Bearer " & OAuthToken], 
        PBISwagger = Extension.Contents("PBISwagger.json"), 
        CallWebService = OpenApi.Document(
          [Headers = SecurityHeaders, ManualCredentials = true]

    In this example, the OpenApi.Document function plays a role in integrating the Power BI REST API into the custom connector. It uses the OpenAPI (Swagger) definition file, provided as PBISwagger.json, to automatically interpret and expose the API’s endpoints as navigable functions in Power BI.

    The function takes two key inputs:

    1. API Definition File: The PBISwagger variable holds the content of the PBISwagger.json file, which defines the structure and available endpoints of the Power BI REST API.
    2. Options for Authentication: The [Headers = SecurityHeaders, ManualCredentials = true] parameter passes the security headers, including an OAuth2 token (Bearer " & OAuthToken), to authenticate API requests securely.

    Learn more about OpenApi.Document in the following articles:

    Contribute » | Contributors: Rick de Groot

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