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Lines.ToBinary is a Power Query M function that converts a list of text into a binary value using a specified encoding and lineSeparator. The function returns a binary value with the specified lineSeparator appended to each line.

Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365


   lines as list,
   optional lineSeparator as nullable text,
   optional encoding as nullable number,
   optional includeByteOrderMark as nullable logical,
) as binary
Argument Attribute Description
lineSeparator optional
encoding optional Uses the TextEncoding.Type to specify the text’s binary encoding format. By default, if not provided, the argument uses TextEncoding.Utf8 (UTF8 binary form). Other available options are:
TextEncoding.Unicode: use the UTF16 little-endian binary form.
TextEncoding.Utf16: use the UTF16 little-endian binary form.
TextEncoding.BigEndianUnicode: use the UTF16 big endian binary form.
TextEncoding.Windows: use the Windows binary form.
TextEncoding.Ascii: use the ASCII binary form.
includeByteOrderMark optional


Converts a list of text into a binary value using the specified encoding and lineSeparator.The specified lineSeparator is appended to each line. If not specified then the carriage return and line feed characters are used.

Other functions related to Lines.ToBinary are:

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