RankKind.Competition (0) is an enumeration that specifies the type of ranking. It is a member of the RankKind.Type and indicates that items which compare as equal receive the same ranking number and then a gap is left before the next ranking. This ranking method does not guarantee a ranking with consecutive numbers and a rank can appear multiple times.
Imagine you have a dataset called Source with the following setup:
You can rank this data using the Table.AddRankColumn function. Below examples rank the data based on the revenue amount.
= Table.AddRankColumn(
"Revenue Asc",
{ "Revenue", Order.Ascending }, // Sort column in Ascending order
[RankKind = RankKind.Competition]
= Table.AddRankColumn(
"Revenue Desc",
{ "Revenue", Order.Descending }, // Sort column in Descending order
[RankKind = RankKind.Competition]
To make this ranking unique, you can provide provide multiple columns in the comparison criteria. Alternatively you can make use of RankKind.Ordinal.
= Table.AddRankColumn(
"Revenue Asc",
{ { "Revenue", Order.Descending }, {"CustomerID", Order.Ascending } },
[RankKind = RankKind.Competition]
= Table.AddRankColumn(
"Revenue Desc",
{ { "Revenue", Order.Descending }, {"CustomerID", Order.Ascending } },
[RankKind = RankKind.Competition]
Related enumerations
Other related enumerations are:
Applies to
Here’s a list of functions that work with RankKind.Type:
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