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DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes is a Power Query M function that changes the timezone of a given value by the specified number of minutes. The function returns the DateTimeZone value adjusted to the new timezone.

Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365


DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes( dateTimeZone as nullable datetimezone ) as nullable number


DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes is designed to return the minutes component of the Time Zone of a datetimezone value.


To help you grasp how DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes operates, let’s explore a few examples. This function is designed to extract the minutes from the timezone value. For example, the formula below will return 31:

DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes( #datetimezone( 2023, 6, 10, 4, 8, 12, 2, 31 ) ) // 31

In another scenario, if we adjust the timezone minutes in the formula, it will return 5:

DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes( #datetimezone( 2023, 6, 10, 4, 8, 12, 2, 5 ) ) // 5

In conclusion, DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes allows you to extract the minutes component from a datetimezone value. This is especially useful when dealing with data across different timezones.

Other functions related to DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes are:

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