Comparer Functions Overview

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Comparer values are used to test whether values are the same and determine the ordering of values. That can be useful for different operations. For instance:

  • Providing information: When checking if a text contains a specific substring, you might need to respect a particular culture’s rules or ignore capitalization in your comparison.
  • Returning Values: Comparer Functions are crucial for operations like removing duplicates, finding common values, or determining the middle value (mode) of a list of values. The way you compare each value directly impacts these outcomes.
  • Sorting Values: Sorting requires certain comparison rules. You can use the built-in comparers or create your own custom comparer logic to define how values should be sorted.
  • Grouping Values: Influencing what defines a group during grouping operations is another use of comparer values. By customizing the rules for comparisons you can refine how groups are determined.

To explore comparer functions, have a look at the table below, which lists and describes the Comparer Functions available in the M Language.

Comparer Functions

Comparer.EqualsReturns a logical value based on the equality check over the two given values.
Comparer.FromCultureReturns a comparer function given the culture and a logical value for case sensitivity for the comparison.
Comparer.OrdinalReturns a comparer function which uses Ordinal rules to compare values.
Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCaseReturns a case-insensitive comparer function which uses Ordinal rules to compare values.

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