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AzureStorage.DataLake is a Power Query M function that returns a navigational table containing the documents found in a specified container and its subfolders at an account URL from an Azure Data Lake Storage filesystem. It allows optional parameters to control various options.

Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365


   endpoint as text,
   optional options as nullable record,
) as table


Returns a navigational table containing the documents found in the specified container and its subfolders at the account URL, endpoint, from an Azure Data Lake Storage filesystem. options may be specified to control the following options:

  • BlockSize : The number of bytes to read before waiting on the data consumer. The default value is 4 MB.
  • RequestSize : The number of bytes to try to read in a single HTTP request to the server. The default value is 4 MB.
  • ConcurrentRequests : The ConcurrentRequests option supports faster download of data by specifying the number of requests to be made in parallel, at the cost of memory utilization. The memory required is (ConcurrentRequest * RequestSize). The default value is 16.
  • HierarchicalNavigation : A logical (true/false) that controls whether the files are returned in a tree-like directory view or in a flat list. The default value is false.

Other functions related to AzureStorage.DataLake are:

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