Power Query M Function Categories

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Power Query M language is a powerful data mashup tool with a wide variety of functions at its disposal. These functions, totaling over 700, are organized into numerous categories, facilitating ease of access and usage. This reference guide provides an overview of the different function categories, aiming to clarify their purpose and potential applications.

Functions by Category

Accessing DataAccessing data functions connect to data sources and return table values.
BinaryBinary functions process binary data for encoding, decoding, compression, decompression, etc.
CombinerCombiner functions merge values or records, following a pattern or condition.
ComparerComparer functions compare values and determine sorting within datasets.
Custom ConnectorCustom Connector functions are used when building extensions for Power Query.
DateDate functions extract and manipulate date values.
DateTimeDateTime functions extract and manipulate DateTime values.
DateTimeZoneDateTimeZone functions extract and manipulate DateTimeZone values.
DurationDuration functions create and manipulate duration values.
Error HandlingError handling functions manage errors and enable error messages.
ExpressionExpression functions allow the evaluation and composition of M expressions.
Function ValuesFunction values create and invoke other M functions.
LinesLines functions convert lists of text to and from binary and single text values.
ListList functions create, manipulate and query list values.
LogicalLogical functions create and manipulate boolean (true/false) values.
NumberNumber functions perform arithmetic, rounding, comparisons, and trigonometry.
RecordRecord functions support creating, accessing, and altering records.
ReplacerReplacer functions are used by other functions for the replacement of values.
SplitterSplitter functions help break data into smaller parts using specific criteria.
TableTable functions help creating, querying, and manipulating table values.
TextText functions create and manipulate text values.
TimeTime functions help in creating and manipulating time values.
TypeType functions help in creating and manipulating type values.
UriUri functions enable creation and manipulation and parsing of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) query strings.
ValueValue functions evaluate and perform operations on values.

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Microsoft documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/power-query-m-function-reference

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