Updated Articles

Welcome to our updated articles section. Here, you’ll find the most recent updates and additions to our Power Query M language function documentation, neatly organized for your convenience. This section is divided into several categories for easy navigation:

  • New Additions: Keep an eye out for items labelled as new. These represent the latest pages that have been added to our website to make sure you can make use of the latest functions right away.
  • Updated Content: All other categories concern existing content that has received updates or revisions. These have categories such as Functions, Enumerations, and Pages.

Use this page to stay up-to-date with the Power Query M language functions and to keep track of updated articles.

October 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Table.RemoveFirstNFunctionsReturns a table with the first count rows skipped.Oct 1, 2024
Value.ResourceExpressionFunctionsGenerates a record representing a given value’s resource expression.Oct 1, 2024

September 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
JoinKind.LeftSemiEnumerationsA left semi join returns all rows from the first table that have a match in the second table.Sep 8, 2024
JoinKind.RightSemiEnumerationsA right semi join returns all rows from the second table that have a match in the first table.Sep 8, 2024
Table.PartitionFunctionsPartitions the table into a list of tables based on the number of groups and column specified.Sep 2, 2024
Table.PartitionValuesFunctionsReturns information about how a table is partitioned.Sep 2, 2024
Table.RowCountFunctionsReturns the number of rows in the table.Sep 2, 2024
Table.SplitFunctionsSplits the specified table into a list of tables using the specified page size.Sep 2, 2024
Table.SplitAtFunctionsReturns a list containing the first count rows specified and the remaining rows.Sep 2, 2024
Table.ToColumnsFunctionsCreates a list of nested lists of column values from a table.Sep 1, 2024
Table.ToListFunctionsConverts a table into a list by applying the specified combining function to each row of values in the table.Sep 1, 2024
Table.ToRecordsFunctionsConverts a table to a list of records.Sep 1, 2024
Table.ToRowsFunctionsCreates a list of nested lists of row values from a table.Sep 1, 2024

August 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Table.FromColumnsFunctionsCreates a table from a list of columns and specified values.Aug 30, 2024
Table.FromListFunctionsConverts a list into a table by applying the specified splitting function to each item in the list.Aug 30, 2024
Table.FromPartitionsFunctionsReturns a table that is the result of combining a set of partitioned tables.Aug 30, 2024
Table.FromRecordsFunctionsConverts a list of records into a table.Aug 30, 2024
Table.FromRowsFunctionsCreates a table from a list of row values and optional columnsAug 30, 2024
Table.FromValueFunctionsCreates a table with a column from the provided value(s).Aug 30, 2024
Table.UnpivotFunctionsTranslates a set of columns in a table into attribute-value pairs.Aug 29, 2024
Table.UnpivotOtherColumnsFunctionsTranslates all columns other than a specified set into attribute-value pairs.Aug 29, 2024

July 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
DateTime.IsInCurrentHourFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the current hour.Jul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInCurrentMinuteFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the current minute.Jul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInCurrentSecondFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the current second.Jul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInNextHourFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the next hourJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInNextMinuteFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the next minuteJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInNextNHoursFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the next number of hoursJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInNextNMinutesFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the next number of minutesJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInNextNSecondsFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the next number of secondsJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInNextSecondFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the next secondJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInPreviousHourFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the previous hourJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInPreviousMinuteFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the previous minuteJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInPreviousNHoursFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the previous number of hoursJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInPreviousNMinutesFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the previous number of minutesJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInPreviousNSecondsFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the previous number of secondsJul 8, 2024
DateTime.IsInPreviousSecondFunctionsIndicates whether this datetime occurs during the previous secondJul 8, 2024
RankKind.OrdinalEnumerationsEvery item, even those that are identical, gets a unique rank. Duplicate values get consecutive rankings.Jul 8, 2024
Date.IsInCurrentDayFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the current day.Jul 7, 2024
Date.IsInCurrentMonthFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the current month.Jul 7, 2024
Date.IsInCurrentQuarterFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the current quarter.Jul 7, 2024
Date.IsInCurrentWeekFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the current week.Jul 7, 2024
Date.IsInCurrentYearFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the current year.Jul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextDayFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next dayJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextMonthFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next monthJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextNDaysFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next number of daysJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextNMonthsFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next number of monthsJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextNQuartersFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next number of quartersJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextNWeeksFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next number of weeksJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextNYearsFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next number of yearsJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextQuarterFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next quarterJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextWeekFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next weekJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInNextYearFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the next yearJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousDayFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous dayJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousMonthFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous monthJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousNDaysFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous number of daysJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousNMonthsFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous number of monthsJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousNQuartersFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous number of quartersJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousNWeeksFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous number of weeksJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousNYearsFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous number of yearsJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousQuarterFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous quarterJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousWeekFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous weekJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInPreviousYearFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the previous yearJul 7, 2024
Date.IsInYearToDateFunctionsIndicates whether this date occurs during the current year and is on or before the current day.Jul 7, 2024
Date.IsLeapYearFunctionsIndicates whether this date falls in a leap year.Jul 7, 2024
#binaryFunctionsCreates a binary value from a list of numbers or a base 64 encoded text value.Jul 2, 2024
#dateFunctionsCreates a date value from whole numbers representing the year, month, and day.Jul 2, 2024
#datetimezoneFunctionsCreates a datetimezone value from numbers representing the year, month, day, hour, minute, (fractional) second, (fractional) offset-hours, and offset-minutes.Jul 2, 2024
#durationFunctionsCreates a duration value from numbers representing days, hours, minutes, and (fractional) seconds.Jul 2, 2024
#tableFunctionsCreates a table value from columns and rows.Jul 2, 2024
#timeFunctionsCreates a time value from numbers representing the hour, minute, and (fractional) second.Jul 2, 2024
Expression.ConstantFunctionsReturns the M source code representation of a constant value.Jul 2, 2024
Expression.EvaluateFunctionsReturns the result of evaluating an M expression.Jul 2, 2024
Expression.IdentifierFunctionsReturns the M source code representation of an identifier.Jul 2, 2024
Logical.FromFunctionsCreates a logical from the given value.Jul 2, 2024
Logical.FromTextFunctionsCreates a logical value from the text values “true” and “false”.Jul 2, 2024
Logical.ToTextFunctionsReturns the text “true” or “false” given a logical value.Jul 2, 2024
Time.EndOfHourFunctionsReturns the end of the hour.Jul 1, 2024
Time.FromFunctionsCreates a time from the given value.Jul 1, 2024
Time.FromTextFunctionsCreates a Time from local and universal, and custom Time formats.Jul 1, 2024
Time.StartOfHourFunctionsReturns the start of the hour.Jul 1, 2024
Time.ToRecordFunctionsReturns a record containing the Time value’s parts.Jul 1, 2024
Time.ToTextFunctionsReturns a textual representation of the time value.Jul 1, 2024

June 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Text.PositionOfAnyFunctionsReturns the first position in the text value of any listed character (-1 if not found).Jun 18, 2024
Time.HourFunctionsReturns the hour component.Jun 15, 2024
Time.MinuteFunctionsReturns the minute component.Jun 15, 2024
Time.SecondFunctionsReturns the second component.Jun 15, 2024
DateTime.AddZoneFunctionsAdds timezone information to the datetime value.Jun 13, 2024
DateTime.DateFunctionsReturns the date component of the given date, datetime, or datetimezone value.Jun 13, 2024
DateTime.FixedLocalNowFunctionsReturns the current date and time in the local timezoneJun 13, 2024
Date.EndOfWeekFunctionsReturns the end of the week.Jun 12, 2024
Date.EndOfYearFunctionsReturns the end of the year.Jun 12, 2024
Date.StartOfDayFunctionsReturns the start of the day.Jun 12, 2024
Date.StartOfMonthFunctionsReturns the start of the month.Jun 12, 2024
Date.StartOfQuarterFunctionsReturns the start of the quarter.Jun 12, 2024
Date.StartOfWeekFunctionsReturns the start of the week.Jun 12, 2024
Date.StartOfYearFunctionsReturns the start of the year.Jun 12, 2024
Date.ToRecordFunctionsReturns a record containing parts of the date value.Jun 12, 2024
Date.WeekOfMonthFunctionsReturns a number from 1 to 6 indicating which week of the month this date falls in.Jun 12, 2024
Date.YearFunctionsReturns the year component.Jun 12, 2024
DateTime.FromFunctionsCreates a datetime from the given value.Jun 12, 2024
DateTime.FromFileTimeFunctionsCreates a datetime from a 64 bits long number.Jun 12, 2024
DateTime.FromTextFunctionsCreates a datetimezone from local and universal datetime formats.Jun 12, 2024
DateTime.TimeFunctionsReturns the time part of the given datetime value.Jun 12, 2024
DateTime.ToRecordFunctionsReturns a record containing the datetime value’s parts.Jun 12, 2024
Date.FromFunctionsCreates a date from the given value.Jun 11, 2024
Date.FromTextFunctionsCreates a Date from local, universal, and custom Date formats.Jun 11, 2024
Date.MonthFunctionsReturns the month component.Jun 11, 2024
Date.MonthNameFunctionsReturns the name of the month component.Jun 11, 2024
Date.QuarterOfYearFunctionsReturns a number indicating which quarter of the year the date falls in.Jun 11, 2024
Duration.FromFunctionsCreates a duration from the given value.Jun 11, 2024
Duration.FromTextFunctionsReturns a duration value from textual elapsed time forms (d.h:m:s).Jun 11, 2024
Duration.ToRecordFunctionsReturns a record containing the parts of the duration.Jun 11, 2024
Guid.FromFunctionsReturns a guid value from the given value.Jun 11, 2024
Record.AddFieldFunctionsAdds a field to a record.Jun 11, 2024
Record.CombineFunctionsCombines the records in the given list.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FieldFunctionsReturns the value of the specified field in a record.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FieldCountFunctionsReturns the number of fields in the record.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FieldNamesFunctionsReturns the names of the fields.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FieldOrDefaultFunctionsReturns the value of the specified field in a record or the default value if the field is not found.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FieldValuesFunctionsReturns a list of the field values.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FromListFunctionsReturns a record given a list of field values and a set of fields.Jun 11, 2024
Record.FromTableFunctionsCreates a record from a table of the form {[Name = name, Value = value]}.Jun 11, 2024
Record.HasFieldsFunctionsIndicates whether the record has the specified fields.Jun 11, 2024
Record.RemoveFieldsFunctionsRemoves the specified field(s) from the input record.Jun 11, 2024
Record.RenameFieldsFunctionsApplies rename(s) from a list in the form { old, new }.Jun 11, 2024
Record.ReorderFieldsFunctionsReorders the field(s) specified into the new order.Jun 11, 2024
Record.SelectFieldsFunctionsReturns a record that contains only the specified fields.Jun 11, 2024
Record.ToListFunctionsReturns a list of values containing the field values of the input record.Jun 11, 2024
Record.ToTableFunctionsReturns a table with each row being a field name and value of the input record.Jun 11, 2024
Record.TransformFieldsFunctionsReturns a record after applying specified transformations.Jun 11, 2024
Text.CombineFunctionsConcatenates a list of text values into one text value.Jun 11, 2024
Date.DayFunctionsReturns the day component.Jun 10, 2024
Date.DayOfWeekFunctionsReturns a number (from 0 to 6) indicating the day of the week of the provided value.Jun 10, 2024
Date.DayOfWeekNameFunctionsReturns the day of the week name.Jun 10, 2024
Date.DayOfYearFunctionsReturns a number from 1 to 366 representing the day of the year.Jun 10, 2024
Date.DaysInMonthFunctionsReturns a number from 28 to 31 indicating the number of days in the month.Jun 10, 2024
Date.AddDaysFunctionsAdds the specified days to the date.Jun 9, 2024
Date.AddMonthsFunctionsAdds the specified months to the date.Jun 9, 2024
Date.AddQuartersFunctionsAdds the specified quarters to the date.Jun 9, 2024
Date.AddWeeksFunctionsAdds the specified weeks to the date.Jun 9, 2024
Date.AddYearsFunctionsAdds the specified years to the date.Jun 9, 2024
Date.EndOfDayFunctionsReturns the end of the day.Jun 9, 2024
Date.EndOfMonthFunctionsReturns the end of the month.Jun 9, 2024
Date.EndOfQuarterFunctionsReturns the end of the quarter.Jun 9, 2024
Binary.FromTextFunctionsDecodes data from a text form into binary.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.DaysFunctionsReturns the days portion of a duration.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.HoursFunctionsReturns the hours portion of a duration.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.MinutesFunctionsReturns the minutes portion of a duration.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.SecondsFunctionsReturns the seconds portion of a duration.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.TotalDaysFunctionsReturns the total days this duration spans.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.TotalHoursFunctionsReturns the total hours this duration spans.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.TotalMinutesFunctionsReturns the total minutes this duration spans.Jun 8, 2024
Duration.TotalSecondsFunctionsReturns the total seconds this duration spans.Jun 8, 2024
List.ContainsAnyFunctionsIndicates where a list includes any of the values in another list.Jun 8, 2024
List.ModeFunctionsReturns the most frequent value in the list.Jun 8, 2024
List.ModesFunctionsReturns a list of the most frequent values in the list.Jun 8, 2024

May 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
List.RemoveItemsFunctionsRemoves items from list1 that are present in list.May 4, 2024
Table.GroupFunctionsGroups rows in the table that have the same key.May 4, 2024

April 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Module.VersionsFunctionsReturns a record of module versions for the current module and its dependencies.Apr 30, 2024
SparkProtocol.AzureEnumerationsSpecifies the Azure protocol to connect to an instance of Spark.Apr 28, 2024
SparkProtocol.HTTPEnumerationsSpecifies the Standard protocol to connect to an instance of Spark.Apr 28, 2024
SparkProtocol.StandardEnumerationsSpecifies the Standard protocol to connect to an instance of Spark.Apr 28, 2024
List.MedianFunctionsReturns the median value in the list.Apr 25, 2024
List.AverageFunctionsReturns the average of the valuesApr 24, 2024
List.ContainsFunctionsIndicates whether the list contains the value.Apr 24, 2024
List.ContainsAllFunctionsIndicates where a list includes all the values in another list.Apr 24, 2024
List.DatesFunctionsGenerates a list of date values given an initial value, count, and incremental duration value.Apr 24, 2024
List.IsDistinctFunctionsIndicates whether there are duplicates in the list.Apr 24, 2024
List.ProductFunctionsReturns the product of the numbers in the list.Apr 24, 2024
List.SumFunctionsReturns the sum of the items in the list.Apr 24, 2024
Table.CombineColumnsFunctionsCombines the specified columns into a new column using the specified combiner function.Apr 2, 2024

March 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
DateTimeZone.FixedLocalNowFunctionsReturns the current date & time in the local timezoneMar 8, 2024
DateTimeZone.FixedUtcNowFunctionsReturns the current date and time in UTC (the GMT timezone)Mar 8, 2024

January 2024

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Table.SelectRowsFunctionsSelects the rows that meet the condition function.Jan 4, 2024
Table.AddColumnFunctionsAdds a column with the specified nameJan 3, 2024
Table.CombineFunctionsReturns a table that is the result of merging a list of tables.Jan 3, 2024
GeographyPoint.FromFunctionsCreates a record representing a geographic point from parts.Jan 1, 2024
Geometry.FromWellKnownTextFunctionsTranslates text representing a geometric value in Well-Known Text (WKT) format into a structured record.Jan 1, 2024
Geometry.ToWellKnownTextFunctionsTranslates a structured geometric point value into its Well-Known Text (WKT) representation.Jan 1, 2024
GeometryPoint.FromFunctionsCreates a record representing a geometric point from parts.Jan 1, 2024

December 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Geography.FromWellKnownTextFunctionsTranslates text representing a geographic value in Well-Known Text (WKT) format into a structured record.Dec 31, 2023
Geography.ToWellKnownTextFunctionsTranslates a structured geographic point value into its Well-Known Text (WKT) representation.Dec 31, 2023
Table.ColumnsOfTypeFunctionsReturns a list with the names of the columns that match the specified types.Dec 26, 2023
Table.CombineColumnsToRecordFunctionsCombines the specified columns into a new record-valued column where each record has field names and values corresponding to the column names and values of the columns that were combined.Dec 20, 2023
Date.WeekOfYearFunctionsReturns a number from 1 to 54 indicating which week of the year this date falls in.Dec 18, 2023
List.CountFunctionsReturns the number of items in the list.Dec 15, 2023
List.NonNullCountFunctionsReturns the number of non-null items in the list.Dec 15, 2023
Table.TransformColumnTypesFunctionsApplies type transformation(s) of the form { column, type } using a specific culture.Dec 11, 2023
Value.VersionsFunctionsReturns a navigation table containing the available versions of value.Dec 10, 2023
Table.SortFunctionsSorts the table using one or more column names and comparison criteria.Dec 8, 2023
FacetsPagesType facets provide additional type information that can be used by external systems for improved data storage and handling.Dec 6, 2023
List.DistinctFunctionsReturns a list of values with duplicates removed.Dec 3, 2023
Binary.DecompressFunctionsDecompresses a binary value using the given compression type.Dec 2, 2023
BinaryFormat.ByteOrderFunctionsReturns a binary format with the byte order specified by a function.Dec 2, 2023
Cube.TransformFunctionsApplies a list of cube functions.Dec 2, 2023
List.PercentileFunctionsReturns one or more sample percentiles corresponding to the given probabilities.Dec 2, 2023
OData.FeedFunctionsReturns a table of OData feeds offered by an OData service.Dec 2, 2023
Odbc.DataSourceFunctionsReturns a table of SQL tables and views from the ODBC data sourceDec 2, 2023
SapBusinessWarehouse.CubesFunctionsReturns the InfoCubes and queries in an SAP Business Warehouse system grouped by InfoArea.Dec 2, 2023
Table.FuzzyJoinFunctionsJoins the rows from the two tables that fuzzy match based on the given keys.Dec 2, 2023
Table.FuzzyNestedJoinFunctionsPerforms a fuzzy join between tables on supplied columns and produces the join result in a new column.Dec 2, 2023
Table.JoinFunctionsJoins the rows from the two tables that match based on the given keys.Dec 2, 2023
TextEncoding.AsciiEnumerationsUse to choose the ASCII binary form.Dec 2, 2023
TextEncoding.BigEndianUnicodeEnumerationsUse to choose the UTF16 big endian binary form.Dec 2, 2023
TextEncoding.UnicodeEnumerationsUse to choose the UTF16 little endian binary form.Dec 2, 2023
TextEncoding.Utf16EnumerationsUse to choose the UTF16 little endian binary form.Dec 2, 2023
TextEncoding.Utf8EnumerationsUse to choose the UTF8 binary form.Dec 2, 2023
TextEncoding.WindowsEnumerationsUse to choose the Windows binary form.Dec 2, 2023
WebAction.RequestFunctionsCreates an action that, when executed, will return the results of performing an HTTP request as a binary value.Dec 2, 2023

November 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
List.PositionOfAnyFunctionsReturns the first offset of a value in a list.Nov 28, 2023
List.ReplaceMatchingItemsFunctionsApplies each replacement of { old, new }.Nov 28, 2023
List.ReplaceRangeFunctionsReplaces count number of values starting at position with the replacement values.Nov 28, 2023
List.ReplaceValueFunctionsSearches a list for the specified value and replaces it.Nov 28, 2023
List.TransformFunctionsReturns a new list of values computed from this list.Nov 28, 2023
List.TransformManyFunctionsReturns a list whose elements are transformed from the input list using specified functions.Nov 28, 2023
Action.WithErrorContextNewThis function is intended for internal use only.Nov 24, 2023
AzureDataFactory.ActionsNewConnect to Azure Data Factory ServiceNov 24, 2023
AzureDatabricksWorkspace.ActionsNewConnect to Azure Databricks workspaceNov 24, 2023
AzureKeyVault.ActionsNewConnect to Azure Keyvault ServiceNov 24, 2023
AzureResourceGraph.QueryNewNov 24, 2023
AzureSynapseWorkspace.ActionsNewConnect to Azure Synapse ServiceNov 24, 2023
AzureTrino.ContentsNewNov 24, 2023
Diagnostics.CorrelationIdNewReturns an opaque identifier to correlate incoming requests with outgoing ones.Nov 24, 2023
DremioCloud.DatabasesByServerV360NewReturns a table listing the datasets on the specified server on Dremio CloudNov 24, 2023
EmplifiMetrics.ContentsNewNov 24, 2023
Function.InvokeWithErrorContextNewThis function is intended for internal use only.Nov 24, 2023
IoTHub.ContentsNewUsed to connect to Azure IoT Hub.Nov 24, 2023
MongoDBAtlasForPipeline.DatabaseNewConnect to MongoDB Atlas For PipelineNov 24, 2023
MongoDBForPipeline.ContentsNewUsed to connect to MongoDB For Pipeline.Nov 24, 2023
Parquet.MetadataNewThis function is intended for internal use only.Nov 24, 2023
PlanviewOKR.ContentsNewEnter the URL of your Planview OKR account.Nov 24, 2023
PowerBIDatasets.ActionsNewConnect to PowerBIDatasetsNov 24, 2023
Table.WithErrorContextNewThis function is intended for internal use only.Nov 24, 2023
Data TypesPagesThis article delves into data types. It shows the available types, their characteristics, and how to use them.Nov 22, 2023
Table.AddRankColumnFunctionsAppends a column with the ranking of one or more other columns.Nov 18, 2023
Table.BufferFunctionsBuffers a table in memory, isolating it from external changes during evaluation.Nov 18, 2023
Type.IsNullableFunctionsReturns true if a type is a nullable type; otherwise, false.Nov 15, 2023
Type.IsOpenRecordFunctionsReturns whether a record type is open.Nov 15, 2023
Type.ListItemFunctionsReturns an item type from a list type.Nov 15, 2023
Type.NonNullableFunctionsReturns the non nullable type from a type.Nov 15, 2023
Type.OpenRecordFunctionsReturns an opened version of the given record type (or the same type, if it is already open).Nov 15, 2023
Type.RecordFieldsFunctionsReturns a record describing the fields of a record type with each field of the returned record type having a corresponding name and a value.Nov 15, 2023
Type.ReplaceTableKeysFunctionsReturns a new table type with all keys replaced by the specified list of keys.Nov 15, 2023
Type.TableColumnFunctionsReturns the type of a column in a table.Nov 15, 2023
Type.TableKeysFunctionsReturns the possibly empty list of keys for the given table type.Nov 15, 2023
Type.TableRowFunctionsReturns the row type of the table type.Nov 15, 2023
Type.TableSchemaFunctionsReturns a table containing a description of the columns (i.eNov 15, 2023
Type.UnionFunctionsReturns the union of a list of types.Nov 15, 2023
Type.ReplaceFacetsFunctionsReplaces the facets of a type.Nov 13, 2023
Type.AddTableKeyFunctionsAdds a key to the given table type.Nov 11, 2023
Type.ClosedRecordFunctionsReturns a closed version of the given record type (or the same type, if it is already closed).Nov 11, 2023
Type.FacetsFunctionsReturns the facets of a type.Nov 11, 2023
Type.ForFunctionFunctionsReturns a type that represents functions with specific parameter and return type constraints.Nov 11, 2023
Type.ForRecordFunctionsReturns a type that represents records with specific type constraints on fields.Nov 11, 2023
Type.FunctionParametersFunctionsReturns a record with field values set to the name of the parameters of a function type, and their values set to their corresponding types.Nov 11, 2023
Type.FunctionRequiredParametersFunctionsReturns a number indicating the minimum number of parameters required to invoke the type of function.Nov 11, 2023
Type.FunctionReturnFunctionsReturns a type returned by a function type.Nov 11, 2023
Type.IsFunctionsDetermines if a value of the first type is always compatible with the second type.Nov 11, 2023

October 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Combiner.CombineTextByLengthsFunctionsReturns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified lengths.Oct 30, 2023
Comparer.FromCultureFunctionsReturns a comparer function given the culture and a logical value for case sensitivity for the comparison.Oct 27, 2023
Date.ToTextFunctionsReturns a textual representation of the date value.Oct 25, 2023
DateTime.ToTextFunctionsReturns a textual representation of the datetime value.Oct 25, 2023
DateTimeZone.ToTextFunctionsReturns a textual representation of the datetimezone value.Oct 25, 2023
Number.ToTextFunctionsFormats the given number as text.Oct 25, 2023
Table.ReplaceValueFunctionsReplaces one value with another in the specified columns.Oct 23, 2023
List.FirstNFunctionsReturns the first set of items in the list by specifying how many items to return or a qualifying condition.Oct 20, 2023
Table.ExpandRecordColumnFunctionsExpands a column of records into columns with each of the values.Oct 20, 2023
Error MessagesPagesThis article addresses the most common error messages in Power Query.Oct 16, 2023
OperatorsPagesThis article describes the operators used in the Power Query M language.Oct 1, 2023

September 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
Combiner.CombineTextByPositionsFunctionsReturns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified positions.Sep 22, 2023
Combiner.CombineTextByRangesFunctionsReturns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified positions and lengths.Sep 22, 2023
Sql.DatabaseFunctionsReturns a table of SQL tables, views, and stored functions from the SQL Server database.Sep 20, 2023
Table.StopFoldingFunctionsPrevents any downstream operations from being run against the original source of the data.Sep 20, 2023
Value.NativeQueryFunctionsEvaluates a query against a target.Sep 20, 2023
WebMethod.DeleteEnumerationsSpecifies the DELETE method for HTTP.Sep 20, 2023
WebMethod.GetEnumerationsSpecifies the GET method for HTTP.Sep 20, 2023
WebMethod.HeadEnumerationsSpecifies the HEAD method for HTTP.Sep 20, 2023
WebMethod.PatchEnumerationsSpecifies the PATCH method for HTTP.Sep 20, 2023
WebMethod.PostEnumerationsSpecifies the POST method for HTTP.Sep 20, 2023
WebMethod.PutEnumerationsSpecifies the PUT method for HTTP.Sep 20, 2023
LimitClauseKind.AnsiSql2008EnumerationsThis SQL dialect supports an ANSI SQL-compatible LIMIT N ROWS specifier to limit the number of rows returned.Sep 13, 2023
LimitClauseKind.LimitEnumerationsThis SQL dialect supports a LIMIT specifier to limit the number of rows returned.Sep 13, 2023
LimitClauseKind.LimitOffsetEnumerationsThis SQL dialect supports LIMIT and OFFSET specifiers to limit the number of rows returned.Sep 13, 2023
LimitClauseKind.NoneEnumerationsThis SQL dialect does not support a limit clause.Sep 13, 2023
LimitClauseKind.TopEnumerationsThis SQL dialect supports a TOP specifier to limit the number of rows returned.Sep 13, 2023
List.InsertRangeFunctionsInserts values into a list at the given index.Sep 12, 2023
List.UnionFunctionsReturns the union of the list values found in the input.Sep 6, 2023
List.CombineFunctionsReturns a single list by combining multiple lists.Sep 5, 2023

August 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
List.PositionOfFunctionsReturns the offset(s) of a value in a list.Aug 30, 2023
Table.TransformColumnsFunctionsTransforms the values of one or more columns.Aug 30, 2023
List.DifferenceFunctionsReturns the difference of the two given lists.Aug 29, 2023
List.RemoveNullsFunctionsRemoves all “null” values from the specified list.Aug 29, 2023
List.RemoveRangeFunctionsRemoves count number of values starting at the specified position.Aug 29, 2023
List.SkipFunctionsReturns a list that skips the specified number of elements at the beginning of the list.Aug 29, 2023
List.IntersectFunctionsReturns the intersection of the list values found in the input.Aug 28, 2023
List.RemoveMatchingItemsFunctionsRemoves all occurrences of the input values.Aug 28, 2023
List.LastFunctionsReturns the last value of the list or the specified default if empty.Aug 27, 2023
List.LastNFunctionsReturns the last value in the listAug 27, 2023
List.MaxFunctionsReturns the maximum value or the default value for an empty list.Aug 27, 2023
List.MaxNFunctionsReturns the maximum value(s) in the listAug 27, 2023
List.MinFunctionsReturns the minimum value or the default value for an empty list.Aug 27, 2023
List.MinNFunctionsReturns the minimum value(s) in the listAug 27, 2023
List.RangeFunctionsReturns a subset of the list beginning at an offset.Aug 27, 2023
List.RemoveFirstNFunctionsReturns a list that skips the specified number of elements at the beginning of the list.Aug 27, 2023
List.RemoveLastNFunctionsReturns a list that removes the specified number of elements from the end of the list.Aug 27, 2023
List.FirstFunctionsReturns the first value of the list or the specified default if empty.Aug 25, 2023
List.NumbersFunctionsReturns a list of numbers given an initial value, count, and optional increment value.Aug 25, 2023
List.RandomFunctionsReturns a list of random numbers.Aug 25, 2023
List.RepeatFunctionsReturns a list that is count repetitions of the original list.Aug 25, 2023
List.SplitFunctionsSplits the specified list into a list of lists using the specified page size.Aug 25, 2023
List.ZipFunctionsReturns a list of lists by combining items at the same position in multiple lists.Aug 25, 2023
Diagnostics.ActivityIdFunctionsReturns an opaque identifier for the currently-running evaluation.Aug 24, 2023
Diagnostics.TraceFunctionsWrites a trace entry, if tracing is enabled, and returns the value.Aug 24, 2023
Error.RecordFunctionsReturns an error record from the provided text values for reason, message and detail.Aug 24, 2023
List.ReverseFunctionsReverses the order of values in the list.Aug 24, 2023
TraceLevel.CriticalEnumerationsSpecifies Critical trace level.Aug 24, 2023
TraceLevel.ErrorEnumerationsSpecifies Error trace level.Aug 24, 2023
TraceLevel.InformationEnumerationsSpecifies Information trace level.Aug 24, 2023
TraceLevel.VerboseEnumerationsSpecifies Verbose trace level.Aug 24, 2023
TraceLevel.WarningEnumerationsSpecifies Warning trace level.Aug 24, 2023
Value.IsFunctionsDetermines whether a value is compatible with the specified type.Aug 21, 2023
SapHanaRangeOperator.EqualsEnumerations‘Equals’ range operator for SAP HANA input parameters.Aug 18, 2023
SapHanaRangeOperator.GreaterThanEnumerations‘Greater than’ range operator for SAP HANA input parameters.Aug 18, 2023
SapHanaRangeOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualsEnumerations‘Greater than or equals’ range operator for SAP HANA input parameters.Aug 18, 2023
SapHanaRangeOperator.LessThanEnumerations‘Less than’ range operator for SAP HANA input parameters.Aug 18, 2023
SapHanaRangeOperator.LessThanOrEqualsEnumerations‘Less than or equals’ range operator for SAP HANA input parameters.Aug 18, 2023
SapHanaRangeOperator.NotEqualsEnumerations‘Not equals’ range operator for SAP HANA input parameters.Aug 18, 2023
Number.BitwiseAndFunctionsReturns the result of performing a bitwise “And” operation between the two inputs.Aug 16, 2023
Number.BitwiseNotFunctionsReturns a byte where each bit is the opposite of the input.Aug 16, 2023
Number.BitwiseOrFunctionsReturns the result of performing a bitwise “Or” between the two inputs.Aug 16, 2023
Number.BitwiseShiftLeftFunctionsShifts the bits set to the left.Aug 16, 2023
Number.BitwiseShiftRightFunctionsShifts the bits set to the right.Aug 16, 2023
Number.BitwiseXorFunctionsReturns the result of performing a bitwise “XOR” (Exclusive-OR) between the two inputs.Aug 16, 2023
Comparer.EqualsFunctionsReturns a logical value based on the equality check over the two given values.Aug 13, 2023
Comparer.OrdinalFunctionsReturns a comparer function which uses Ordinal rules to compare values.Aug 13, 2023
Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCaseFunctionsReturns a case-insensitive comparer function which uses Ordinal rules to compare values.Aug 13, 2023
SapHanaDistribution.AllEnumerations‘All’ distribution option for SAP HANA.Aug 10, 2023
SapHanaDistribution.ConnectionEnumerations‘Connection’ distribution option for SAP HANA.Aug 10, 2023
SapHanaDistribution.OffEnumerations‘Off’ distribution option for SAP HANA.Aug 10, 2023
SapHanaDistribution.StatementEnumerations‘Statement’ distribution option for SAP HANA.Aug 10, 2023
Binary.ToTextFunctionsEncodes binary data into a text form.Aug 5, 2023
Splitter.SplitByNothingFunctionsReturns a function that does no splitting, returning its argument as a single element list.Aug 5, 2023
Splitter.SplitTextByAnyDelimiterFunctionsReturns a function that splits text into a list of text at any of the specified delimiters.Aug 5, 2023
Splitter.SplitTextByCharacterTransitionFunctionsReturns a function that splits text into a list of text according to a transition from one kind of character to anotherAug 5, 2023
Duration.ToTextFunctionsReturns the text of the form “d.h:m:s”.Aug 1, 2023
Table.TransposeFunctionsMakes columns into rows and rows into columns.Aug 1, 2023

July 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
List.AccumulateFunctionsAccumulates a summary value from the items in the list.Jul 21, 2023
List.AllTrueFunctionsReturns true if all expressions are true.Jul 21, 2023
List.AlternateFunctionsReturns a list comprised of all the odd numbered offset elements in a list.Jul 21, 2023
Text.NewGuidFunctionsReturns a new, random globally unique identifier (GUID).Jul 21, 2023
Character.FromNumberFunctionsConverts the number to its character value.Jul 20, 2023
Character.ToNumberFunctionsConverts a character to its number value.Jul 20, 2023
Combiner.CombineTextByDelimiterFunctionsReturns a function that combines a list of text values into a single text value using the specified delimiter.Jul 15, 2023
Combiner.CombineTextByEachDelimiterFunctionsReturns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using each specified delimiter in sequence.Jul 15, 2023
BinaryEncoding.Base64EnumerationsConstant to use as the encoding type when base-64 encoding is required.Jul 12, 2023
BinaryEncoding.HexEnumerationsConstant to use as the encoding type when hexadecimal encoding is required.Jul 12, 2023
BinaryOccurrence.OptionalEnumerationsThe item is expected to appear zero or one time in the input.Jul 12, 2023
BinaryOccurrence.RepeatingEnumerationsThe item is expected to appear zero or more times in the input.Jul 12, 2023
BinaryOccurrence.RequiredEnumerationsThe item is expected to appear once in the input.Jul 12, 2023
DateTime.LocalNowFunctionsReturns the current date and time in the local timezone.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.FromFunctionsCreates a datetimezone from the given value.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.FromFileTimeFunctionsCreates a datetimezone from a 64 bits long number.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.FromTextFunctionsCreates a datetimezone from local, universal, and custom datetimezone formats.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.LocalNowFunctionsReturns the current date & time in the local timezone.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.RemoveZoneFunctionsRemoves timezone information from the given datetimezone value.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.SwitchZoneFunctionsChanges the timezone of the value.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.ToLocalFunctionsConverts the timezone component to the local timezone.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.ToRecordFunctionsReturns a record containing the datetimezone value’s parts.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.ToUtcFunctionsConverts the timezone component to UTC timezone.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.UtcNowFunctionsReturns the current date and time in UTC (the GMT timezone).Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.ZoneHoursFunctionsChanges the timezone of the value.Jul 10, 2023
DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutesFunctionsChanges the timezone of the value.Jul 10, 2023
Function.InvokeAfterFunctionsInvokes the given function after the specified duration has passed.Jul 6, 2023
Table.SkipFunctionsReturns a table with the first count rows skipped.Jul 6, 2023
Number.FromFunctionsCreates a number from the given value.Jul 3, 2023
Text.InferNumberTypeFunctionsInfers the granular number type (Int64.Type, Double.Type, and so on) of a number encoded in text.Jul 3, 2023

June 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
BufferMode.DelayedEnumerationsThe type of the value is computed immediately but its contents aren’t buffered until data is needed, at which point the entire value is immediately buffered.Jun 28, 2023
BufferMode.EagerEnumerationsThe entire value is immediately buffered in memory before continuing.Jun 28, 2023
ByteOrder.BigEndianEnumerationsA possible value for the byteOrder parameter in BinaryFormat.ByteOrder. The most significant byte appears first in Big Endian byte order.Jun 28, 2023
ByteOrder.LittleEndianEnumerationsA possible value for the byteOrder parameter in BinaryFormat.ByteOrder. The least significant byte appears first in Little Endian byte order.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.BrotliEnumerationsThe compressed data is in the ‘Brotli’ format.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.DeflateEnumerationsThe compressed data is in the ‘Deflate’ format.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.GZipEnumerationsThe compressed data is in the ‘GZip’ format.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.LZ4EnumerationsThe compressed data is in the ‘LZ4’ format.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.NoneEnumerationsThe data is uncompressed.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.SnappyEnumerationsThe compressed data is in the ‘Snappy’ format.Jun 28, 2023
Compression.ZstandardEnumerationsThe compressed data is in the ‘Zstandard’ format.Jun 28, 2023
CsvStyle.QuoteAfterDelimiterEnumerationsQuotes in a field are only significant immediately following the delimiter.Jun 28, 2023
CsvStyle.QuoteAlwaysEnumerationsQuotes in a field are always significant regardless of where they appear.Jun 28, 2023
Lines.FromTextFunctionsConverts a text value to a list of text values split at lines breaksJun 28, 2023
Table.NestedJoinFunctionsPerforms a join between tables on supplied columns and produces the join result in a new column.Jun 28, 2023
Text.ContainsFunctionsReturns whether the text contains the substring.Jun 28, 2023
Text.EndsWithFunctionsIndicates whether the text ends in the specified value.Jun 28, 2023
Text.FromFunctionsCreates a text value from the given value.Jun 28, 2023
Text.LengthFunctionsReturns the number of characters.Jun 28, 2023
Text.PositionOfFunctionsReturns the first position of the value (-1 if not found).Jun 28, 2023
Text.ReplaceFunctionsReplaces all occurrences of the given substring in the text.Jun 28, 2023
Text.ReplaceRangeFunctionsRemoves a range of characters and inserts a new value at a specified position.Jun 28, 2023
Text.StartsWithFunctionsIndicates whether the text starts with a specified value.Jun 28, 2023
Text.CleanFunctionsReturns the text value with all control characters removed.Jun 27, 2023
Text.FormatFunctionsReturns formatted text from a format string and arguments.Jun 27, 2023
Text.RepeatFunctionsReturns a text value composed of the input text repeated a specified number of times.Jun 27, 2023
Text.ReverseFunctionsReverses the provided textJun 27, 2023
Text.SplitFunctionsSplits text into a list of text values based upon a specified delimiter.Jun 27, 2023
Text.SplitAnyFunctionsReturns a list of text values, split on any of the characters in the delimiter.Jun 27, 2023
Text.ToListFunctionsReturns a list of character values from the given text value.Jun 27, 2023
Text.TrimFunctionsRemoves all leading and trailing whitespace.Jun 27, 2023
Text.UpperFunctionsConverts all characters to uppercase.Jun 25, 2023
Day.FridayEnumerationsRepresents Friday.Jun 24, 2023
Day.MondayEnumerationsRepresents Monday.Jun 24, 2023
Day.SaturdayEnumerationsRepresents Saturday.Jun 24, 2023
Day.SundayEnumerationsRepresents Sunday.Jun 24, 2023
Day.ThursdayEnumerationsRepresents Thursday.Jun 24, 2023
Day.TuesdayEnumerationsRepresents Tuesday.Jun 24, 2023
Day.WednesdayEnumerationsRepresents Wednesday.Jun 24, 2023
ExtraValues.ErrorEnumerationsIf the splitter function returns more columns than the table expects, an error should be raised.Jun 24, 2023
ExtraValues.IgnoreEnumerationsIf the splitter function returns more columns than the table expects, they should be ignored.Jun 24, 2023
ExtraValues.ListEnumerationsIf the splitter function returns more columns than the table expects, they should be collected into a list.Jun 24, 2023
RankKind.CompetitionEnumerationsIdentical items receive the same rank. In case of identical items there is a gap before the next rank. This approach may generate non-sequential rankings, with the possibility of repeated rank numbers.Jun 24, 2023
RankKind.DenseEnumerationsIdentical items receive the same rank and the next ranking item is numbered consecutively without gap. Method guarantees a ranking with consecutive numbers where a rank can appear multiple times.Jun 24, 2023
RelativePosition.FromEndEnumerationsIndicates indexing should be done from the end of the input.Jun 24, 2023
RelativePosition.FromStartEnumerationsIndicates indexing should be done from the start of the input.Jun 24, 2023
RoundingMode.AwayFromZeroEnumerationsRound away from zero when there is a tie between the possible numbers to round to.Jun 24, 2023
RoundingMode.DownEnumerationsRound down when there is a tie between the possible numbers to round to.Jun 24, 2023
RoundingMode.ToEvenEnumerationsRound to the nearest even number when there is a tie between the possible numbers to round to.Jun 24, 2023
RoundingMode.TowardZeroEnumerationsRound toward zero when there is a tie between the possible numbers to round to.Jun 24, 2023
RoundingMode.UpEnumerationsRound up when there is a tie between the possible numbers to round to.Jun 24, 2023
SapBusinessWarehouseExecutionMode.BasXmlEnumerations‘bXML flattening mode’ option for MDX execution in SAP Business Warehouse.Jun 24, 2023
SapBusinessWarehouseExecutionMode.BasXmlGzipEnumerations‘Gzip compressed bXML flattening mode’ option for MDX execution in SAP Business Warehouse. Recommended for low latency or high volume queries.Jun 24, 2023
SapBusinessWarehouseExecutionMode.DataStreamEnumerations‘DataStream flattening mode’ option for MDX execution in SAP Business Warehouse.Jun 24, 2023
ODataOmitValues.NullsEnumerationsAllows the OData service to omit null values.Jun 22, 2023
Order.AscendingEnumerationsSorts the values in ascending order.Jun 22, 2023
Order.DescendingEnumerationsSorts the values in descending order.Jun 22, 2023
PercentileMode.ExcelExcEnumerationsWhen interpolating values for List.Percentile, use a method compatible with Excel’s PERCENTILE.EXC.Jun 22, 2023
PercentileMode.ExcelIncEnumerationsWhen interpolating values for List.Percentile, use a method compatible with Excel’s PERCENTILE.INC.Jun 22, 2023
PercentileMode.SqlContEnumerationsWhen interpolating values for List.Percentile, use a method compatible with SQL Server’s PERCENTILE_CONT.Jun 22, 2023
PercentileMode.SqlDiscEnumerationsWhen interpolating values for List.Percentile, use a method compatible with SQL Server’s PERCENTILE_DISC.Jun 22, 2023
Precision.DecimalEnumerationsAn optional parameter for the built-in arthimetic operators to specify decimal precision.Jun 22, 2023
Precision.DoubleEnumerationsAn optional parameter for the built-in arthimetic operators to specify double precision.Jun 22, 2023
QuoteStyle.CsvEnumerationsQuote characters indicate the start of a quoted string. Nested quotes are indicated by two quote characters.Jun 22, 2023
QuoteStyle.NoneEnumerationsQuote characters have no significance.Jun 22, 2023
Table.ProfileFunctionsReturns a profile of the columns of a table.Jun 22, 2023
Text.LowerFunctionsConverts all characters to lowercase.Jun 22, 2023
Text.ProperFunctionsCapitalizes the first letter of each word.Jun 22, 2023
List.SelectFunctionsReturns a list of values that match the condition.Jun 20, 2023
RowExpression.FromFunctionsReturns the abstract syntax tree (AST) for the body of a function.Jun 20, 2023
Text.AtFunctionsReturns the character at the specified position.Jun 20, 2023
Text.EndFunctionsReturns the last characters of the text.Jun 20, 2023
Text.InsertFunctionsInserts one text value into another at a given position.Jun 20, 2023
Text.MiddleFunctionsReturns the substring up to a specific length.Jun 20, 2023
Text.PadEndFunctionsReturns text of a specified length by padding the end of the given text.Jun 20, 2023
Text.PadStartFunctionsReturns text of a specified length by padding the start of the given text.Jun 20, 2023
Text.RangeFunctionsReturns the substring found at offset.Jun 20, 2023
Text.RemoveFunctionsRemoves all occurrences of the given character or list of characters from the input text value.Jun 20, 2023
Text.RemoveRangeFunctionsRemoves a count of characters starting at the given offsetJun 20, 2023
Text.SelectFunctionsSelects all occurrences of the given character or list of characters from the input text value.Jun 20, 2023
Text.StartFunctionsReturns the start of the text.Jun 20, 2023
Text.TrimEndFunctionsRemoves all trailing whitespace.Jun 20, 2023
Text.TrimStartFunctionsRemoves all leading whitespace.Jun 20, 2023
#datetimeFunctionsCreates a datetime value from numbers representing the year, month, day, hour, minute, and (fractional) second.Jun 15, 2023
Number.RoundFunctionsReturns the rounded numberJun 11, 2023
SapHana.DatabaseFunctionsReturns the packages in an SAP HANA database.Jun 11, 2023
Text.AfterDelimiterFunctionsReturns the portion of text after the specified delimiterJun 11, 2023
Text.BeforeDelimiterFunctionsReturns the portion of text before the specified delimiterJun 11, 2023
Text.BetweenDelimitersFunctionsReturns the portion of text between the specified startDelimiter and endDelimiterJun 11, 2023
GroupKind.GlobalEnumerationsA global group is formed from all rows in an input table with the same key value.Jun 10, 2023
GroupKind.LocalEnumerationsA local group is formed from a consecutive sequence of rows from an input table with the same key value. That means two rows with the same value will be placed in different groups if there’s a row with a different value between them.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.DynamicEnumerationsAutomatically chooses a join algorithm based on inspecting the initial rows and metadata of both tables.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.LeftHashEnumerationsBuffers the left rows into a lookup table and streams the right rows. For each right row, the matching left rows are found via the buffered lookup table. This algorithm is recommended when the left table is small and most of the rows from the right table are expected to match a left row.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.LeftIndexEnumerationsIn batches, uses the keys from the left table to do predicate-based queries against the right table. This algorithm is recommended when the right table is large, supports folding of Table.SelectRows, and contains few rows that are expected to match a left row.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.PairwiseHashEnumerationsBuffers the rows of both the left and right tables until one of the tables is completely buffered, and then performs a LeftHash or RightHash, depending on which table was buffered completely. This algorithm is recommended only for small tables.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.RightHashEnumerationsBuffers the right rows into a lookup table and streams the left rows. For each left row, the matching right rows are found via the buffered lookup table. This algorithm is recommended when the right table is small and most of the rows from the left table are expected to match a right row.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.RightIndexEnumerationsIn batches, uses the keys from the right table to do predicate-based queries against the left table. This algorithm is recommended when the left table is large, supports folding of Table.SelectRows, and contains few rows that are expected to match a right row.Jun 10, 2023
JoinAlgorithm.SortMergeEnumerationsPerforms a streaming merge based on the assumption that both tables are sorted by their join keys. While efficient, it will return incorrect results if the tables aren’t sorted as expected.Jun 10, 2023
JoinKind.FullOuterEnumerationsA full outer join ensures that all rows of both tables appear in the result. Rows that did not have a match in the other table are joined with a default row containing null values for all of its columns.Jun 10, 2023
JoinKind.InnerEnumerationsThe table resulting from an inner join contains a row for each pair of rows from the specified tables that were determined to match based on the specified key columns.Jun 10, 2023
JoinKind.LeftAntiEnumerationsA left anti join returns that all rows from the first table which do not have a match in the second table.Jun 10, 2023
JoinKind.LeftOuterEnumerationsA left outer join ensures that all rows of the first table appear in the result.Jun 10, 2023
JoinKind.RightAntiEnumerationsA right anti join returns that all rows from the second table which do not have a match in the first table.Jun 10, 2023
JoinKind.RightOuterEnumerationsA right outer join ensures that all rows of the second table appear in the result.Jun 10, 2023

May 2023

NameCategoryDescriptionLast update
MissingField.ErrorEnumerationsAn optional parameter in record and table functions indicating that missing fields should result in an error. (This is the default parameter value.)May 30, 2023
MissingField.IgnoreEnumerationsAn optional parameter in record and table functions indicating that missing fields should be ignored.May 30, 2023
MissingField.UseNullEnumerationsAn optional parameter in record and table functions indicating that missing fields should be included as null values.May 30, 2023
Occurrence.AllEnumerationsA list of positions of all occurrences of the found values is returned.May 30, 2023
Occurrence.FirstEnumerationsThe position of the first occurrence of the found value is returned.May 30, 2023
Occurrence.LastEnumerationsThe position of the last occurrence of the found value is returned.May 30, 2023
Binary.CompressFunctionsCompresses a binary value using the given compression type.May 25, 2023
BinaryFormat.GroupFunctionsReturns a binary format that reads a group of items.May 25, 2023
Table.PivotFunctionsGiven a pair of columns representing attribute-value pairs, rotates the data in the attribute column into a column headings.May 25, 2023
List.GenerateFunctionsGenerates a list of values.May 20, 2023
List.SortFunctionsSorts a list of data according to the criteria specified.May 20, 2023
Table.DistinctFunctionsRemoves duplicate rows from the table.May 20, 2023

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