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Json.FromValue is a Power Query M function that produces a JSON representation of a given value with a specified text encoding. The function returns a JSON representation of the value in UTF8 if encoding is omitted.

Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365


   value as any,
   optional encoding as nullable number,
) as binary
valueSpecifies the input to be converted into its JSON format representation.
encodingoptionalUses the TextEncoding.Type to specify the text’s binary encoding format. By default, if not provided, the argument uses TextEncoding.Utf8 (UTF8 binary form). Other available options are:
TextEncoding.Unicode: use the UTF16 little-endian binary form.
TextEncoding.Utf16: use the UTF16 little-endian binary form.
TextEncoding.BigEndianUnicode: use the UTF16 big endian binary form.
TextEncoding.Windows: use the Windows binary form.
TextEncoding.Ascii: use the ASCII binary form.


Produces a JSON representation of a given value value with a text encoding specified by encoding. If encoding is omitted, UTF8 is used. Values are represented as follows:

  • Null, text and logical values are represented as the corresponding JSON types
  • Numbers are represented as numbers in JSON, except that #infinity-#infinity and #nan are converted to null
  • Lists are represented as JSON arrays
  • Records are represented as JSON objects
  • Tables are represented as an array of objects
  • Dates, times, datetimes, datetimezones and durations are represented as ISO-8601 text
  • Binary values are represented as base-64 encoded text
  • Types and functions produce an error


Convert a complex value to JSON.

// Output: "{""A"":[1,true,""3""],""B"":""2012-03-25""}"
Text.FromBinary( Json.FromValue( [A = {1, true, "3"}, B = #date( 2012, 3, 25 )] ) )

Other functions related to Json.FromValue are:

Contribute » | Contributors: Rick de Groot
Microsoft documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/json-fromvalue

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