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Table.FromColumns is a Power Query M function that creates a table of type columns from a list containing nested lists with column names and values. The function returns a table with columns and their respective values.

Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365


   lists as list,
   optional columns as any,
) as table


Table.FromColumns creates a table from a list of columns and specified values. It forms a table of type columns from a list lists containing nested lists with column names and values. If some columns have more values than others, missing values will be filled with ‘null’ for nullable columns.


Return a table from a list of customer names in a list. Each value in the customer list item becomes a row value, and each list becomes a column.

Table.FromColumns( {
    {1, "Bob", "123-4567"},
    {2, "Jim", "987-6543"},
    {3, "Paul", "543-7890"}
} )

 /* Output: 
Table.FromRecords( {
    [Column1 = 1, Column2 = 2, Column3 = 3],
    [Column1 = "Bob", Column2 = "Jim", Column3 = "Paul"],
    [Column1 = "123-4567", Column2 = "987-6543", Column3 = "543-7890"]
} )

Create a table from a given list of columns and a list of column names.

        {1, "Bob", "123-4567"},
        {2, "Jim", "987-6543"},
        {3, "Paul", "543-7890"}
    {"CustomerID", "Name", "Phone"}

 /* Output: 
Table.FromRecords( {
    [CustomerID = 1, Name = 2, Phone = 3],
    [CustomerID = "Bob", Name = "Jim", Phone = "Paul"],
    [CustomerID = "123-4567", Name = "987-6543", Phone = "543-7890"]
} )

Create a table with different number of columns per row. The missing row value is null.

        {1, 2, 3},
        {4, 5},
        {6, 7, 8, 9}
    {"column1", "column2", "column3"}

 /* Output: 
Table.FromRecords( {
    [column1 = 1, column2 = 4, column3 = 6],
    [column1 = 2, column2 = 5, column3 = 7],
    [column1 = 3, column2 = null, column3 = 8],
    [column1 = null, column2 = null, column3 = 9]
} )

Learn more about Table.FromColumns in the following articles:

Other functions related to Table.FromColumns are:

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